Fables for kids are a wonderful way to teach life lessons through short and engaging bedtime stories. This unique version of “The Crow and the Pitcher” highlights the power of clever thinking and persistence in overcoming challenges. If you’re looking for short moral stories that inspire problem-solving, this one is perfect!
The Clever Crow and the Hidden Water
On a hot summer day, the sun blazed high in the sky, and the land cracked with dryness. Birds searched for water, but every stream and pond had vanished under the heat.
High above, a black-feathered crow named Coco soared through the sky, his throat dry with thirst.
“I must find water soon,” Coco thought, scanning the land below.
Just then, his sharp eyes spotted something—a tall clay pitcher standing alone near an abandoned cottage.
Coco fluttered down and peered inside. There, at the very bottom, was a small pool of water. But no matter how hard he tried, his beak couldn’t reach it.
Coco hopped around, thinking. “If I push it over, the water might spill out,” he thought. But the pitcher was too heavy.
Then, he had an idea.
Coco picked up a small pebble in his beak and dropped it into the pitcher. The water rose slightly.
Excited, he found another pebble, then another, and another. Plop! Plop! Plop! Each stone made the water rise higher and higher.
At last, after many pebbles, the water reached the top.
With a delighted chirp, Coco dipped his beak in and drank the cool, refreshing water.
“I did it!” he cawed proudly.
As he flew away, Coco smiled. He had learned that even the hardest problems can be solved with patience and clever thinking.
Moral of The Crow and the Pitcher story:
“Clever thinking and persistence can solve even the toughest problems.”