The Dog and His Reflection

Fables for kids offer timeless life lessons through short and engaging bedtime stories. This unique version of “The Dog and His Reflection” teaches children the importance of gratitude and the dangers of greed. If you’re looking for short moral stories with valuable lessons, this one is perfect for young minds!

The Dog Who Wanted More

On the edge of a peaceful village, there lived a hungry little dog named Rusty. One lucky morning, Rusty found a juicy bone outside the butcher’s shop.

A greedy dog on a bridge drops his bone into the river while trying to snatch his reflection’s bone.

“What a feast!” he barked with joy, holding the bone tightly in his mouth as he trotted home.

On the way, he came to a quiet river, where a wooden bridge stretched across the water. As Rusty padded over the bridge, he happened to glance down and saw something surprising—another dog in the water, holding a bone just as big as his!

Rusty stopped in his tracks, eyes widening.

“That bone looks even tastier than mine!” he thought.

Not realizing that he was looking at his own reflection, Rusty greedily snapped at the “other dog”, hoping to steal the second bone.

But the moment he opened his mouth, his own bone slipped out, tumbled through the air, and splashed into the river below!

Rusty gasped in horror, watching as the bone sank beneath the rippling watergone forever.

With a heavy sigh, he sat on the bridge, his stomach grumbling once more.

“If only I had been not greedy with what I had,” Rusty thought sadly. He walked home, wiser but hungrier, having learned that greed often leaves us with nothing at all.

Moral of the story:
“Greed can make us lose what we already have. Be grateful for what is yours.”

About Amy Harris

Amy Harris, the storyteller behind Story Cushion. At 34 years old, I’ve found my passion in weaving tales that bring families closer together and make bedtime a cherished moment of the day.

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